Yes! Yes! Yes! HB23-1178 Kayden’s Law was signed today and great joy for protective moms and their Children! Which followed Julie’s Law HB21-1228…
Also SB23-1108 was signed for task force for our judges to get training… DV, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Coercive Control hopefully moves fast!
Representative Meg Froelich and Senator Faith Winter led us to a win still more work to do, but reunification camps are on there way out! Let’s nip this craziness in the bud… MOMS FIGHT BACK greatly supported this Bill w the help of many others as NSPO Founders, Danielle Pollock, Nancy Fingerhood, Catherine Campbell, Tina Swithin, Tracy Wallace, Betsy Keller, and Maralee McLean.. BELOW ARE THE MOMS FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!!!! The LT Governor Dianne Primavera hosted at PORCHLIGHT Jefferson Center.
